Yet another snowstorm hit Nova Scotia today. I suited up and took a peek around town. Bridgewater was hit hard.
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A photo-blast from a walk through frozen Lunenburg with Shawnee - Winter 2015
Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia
I finally got a chance to try and find this place. I briefly learned about this in school way back in the day and last year I started looking back into what this place was all about. In the 1890's a massive infrastructure project was started that would transport ships across the Isthmus of Chignecto. This railway would span from where the Missaguash River empties into the Cumberland Basin all the way to Tidnish on the Northumberland Straight thereby allowing shipping traffic from the Bay of Fundy to easily access the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Check it out! I've been trying to catch the aurora borealis for a few years. Everytime I hear about the possibility of seeing them this far south, there seems to be cloudy weather but not tonight. It was clear as a bell. We found this spot on Crescent Beach Road. Perfect place to take it all in.
This is what we've been waiting for all week. The weather community called this insanity out several days ago so by yesterday the grocery store chip aisles were demolished; a sure sign that severe weather was imminent.
Have a look at some storm photos shot with the new Fuji X-T1.
And to think that not long ago, this place was a winter waste land! Two weekends ago, we were brought some warm temperatures and a TON of rain. Everything just melted. I did manage to find some sweet ice chunks washed up on Shipyards Landing in Bridgewater. These things were no doubt deposited here by some insanely high water levels.