Last weekend I went back to Amherst to visit with family. I decided to take the scenic route on my way back to the South Shore and I'm glad I did.
Before I got on the road home, I went down by the marsh on a new (to me) trail that goes behind my old neighbourhood. Cows in front, windmills in the distance
After hanging with the cows for a bit I thought I should hit the road while I still had some light - even if it was overcast.
I hooked onto the 104 to head home and by the time I got past Oxford, the sun began to peek through the greyness. This is when I decided I should maybe take that scenic route I mentioned in the intro.
At this point I thought it'd be cool to drive through Westchester Station and travel through Wentworth. This route also allows me to save a whopping $4.50 for not taking the toll highway :-)
I've been through here before around the same time of year and knew there was some sweet rural-ness to capture. November is a pretty stark time here and the landscape looks extra raw as the cold starts to set in.
After a long stretch of muted greens, greys and browns I came across a huge swath of blueberry fields. The colours blew me away especially when compared to the grey sky above. I had to pull over yet again.
Next time I'm going to have to make time to take the scenic routh in the other direction - see if I can drive through Parrsboro and the come back through Truro. Come to think of it, I've already had a photo tour though that part of Cumberland County. I think the next blog post jas just chosen itself - I'll have to call it "A Detour Through Cumberland County; The Prequel"
The map below shows the general location of the blueberry fields.